Lodge Profile: Snowfall Lodge, BC

Lodge Profile: Snowfall Lodge, BC

Lodge Profile: Snowfall Lodge

In the midst of the glaciers, winding rivers, and thick forests of the Battle Range, there's an unexpected refuge from the elements: Snowfall Lodge.  A luxurious respite from the wilderness, Snowfall Lodge is the perfect spot for backcountry skiers to stage for a week of uninterrupted backcountry skiing.  It's no Hollywood mansion or 5th Avenue penthouse, but considering its location in the wilds of BC, the lodge boasts incredible amenities.


  • Lodge Elevation: 5,200' / 1,600m
  • Acres of Skiable Terrain (Tenure): 16,000 acres / 26 square miles
  • Capacity: 15-17 Guests + Guides
  • Glaciers Accessible: 4 Named Glaciers (Billy Whiskers, Beowulf, North Illusion, East Illusion)
  • Number of Named Runs: 45
  • Max Elevation: 9200' / 2800m Beowulf Peak
  • Low Elevation of Typical Runs: 4300'/1300m 
  • Running Water: Yes
  • Electricity: Yes
  • WiFi: No
  • Access to Lodge: Helicopter


The living space at Snowfall Lodge


  • There are nine guest bedrooms; one with a double bed and the rest with two twin beds. 
  • All bedding, duvets and pillows are provided.
  • Guide and Staff accommodation is separate. 
  • There are electrical outlets to charge devices. 
  • The lodge is heated by propane. 


All Blackbird BC Lodge trips are fully catered.  All food for the week is provided, with the exception of specialty bars and energy chews - if these are important to you, make sure to bring your own supply!  Our guides typically just roll with the lunch food provided as it is quite good!

Food Restrictions - Make sure to advise the guides and lodge of any food restrictions you might have well before the trip!  It is difficult for the cook to pivot the menu without significant notice before the trip.

The Sauna at Snowfall Lodge and Outhouse

Sauna, Showers and Bathrooms

Sauna.  Snowfall Lodge has a wood-fired cedar sauna in a separate building. 

Showers.  It has two shower stalls and a large changing room. You can warm up and clean up after a big day skiing.

Bathrooms.  There is an indoor pee toilet for women and an outside area to pee for men.  There are two outhouses for solid human waste.  There is running water and a sink inside for hand washing - cleanliness is key in this intimate environment!



Snowfall Lodge does not offer Wi-Fi.  While Snowfall Lodge is equipped with satellite internet for weather forecasts and emergency response, there is no internet for guests.  The satellite Wi-Fi system at Snowfall does not have enough bandwidth to support guest usage and therefore the lodge cannot supply guests with Wi-Fi access during the trip.  This makes it a great opportunity to unplug from the world for a week - it's amazing how good it feels to unplug for a few days!

Drying Room.  Snowfall Lodge has a dedicated drying room with a propane heater and a blower for drying boots and gloves.

Dining Room.  The lodge is equipped with a large room for relaxing, sharing meals, and even has yoga mats with plenty of room to stretch.


The closest major town to Snowfall Lodge is Revelstoke, BC.  The helicopter staging area is roughly 2 hours south of Revelstoke near Beaton, BC.  Most people fly into Kelowna, BC, take a shuttle or rental car to Revelstoke and then a shuttle or rental car to the staging area.  There is a ferry along the way, so timing is critical.  


The Terrain

The Terrain at Snowfall Lodge is a perfect mix for a mid-winter trip when the conditions are uncertain.  It's nice to have access to a tenure with a mix of tree skiing, high alpine, open bowls, glades, chutes and glaciers.  With a setup like that, there is always something to ski and if the weather and snowpack align, the terrain will blow your mind!

We were blessed with incredible snow quality for our week at Snowfall Lodge this year.  The week before had been arctic cold, with temps consistently below in the minus 20-30C (-5 to -20F) range!  Just before we arrived, things changed around and it snowed and got warmer - but not too warm!  We had -4C/25F temps all week with light snow each night, keeping the snow surface topped up with pure fluff.  

The snow quality and stability were excellent, but the visibility was often cloudy, and we were thankful to have some incredible tree skiing!  Open, old growth glades, forest fire burned areas and bouldery pillow lines abound at Snowfall Lodge and we had a blast exploring runs like Endless Trees and the Office.

Snowfall Lodge in BC at Dusk

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