Blackbird BIPOC Avalanche Course Scholarships

The purpose of the Blackbird's Avalanche Course Scholarships is to acknowledge a lack of representation in the outdoor industry and backcountry community. Our goal is to remove financial barriers to avalanche education to make backcountry skiing & splitboarding more accessible and representative of our population as a whole.

To that end, each year, we award four scholarships, two in Washington and two in California. 

Application Criteria:

Scholarships are open to women, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color), and members of the LGBTQIA2S+ community. By offering these scholarships, we aim to break down the barriers that have historically limited access to the backcountry for these communities.

We encourage you to apply only if financial support is essential for you. If you can afford a course, consider leaving the scholarship for someone who may not have that ability, ensuring the benefit reaches those in greater need.

Avalanche courses that qualify for scholarships:

    Application form:


    • Applications are due November 14, 5pm PT each year.  You will be notified via email within a week of the application deadline.