Avalanche Gear & Ski Pack Rental

Price: $35.00

Rentals are per day. If your program is multiple days (e.g., a 3-Day Summit & Ski on Mt. Baker), make sure you select '3' in the "Days" drop-down menu.

*Make sure you book at least two days ahead of your program as we have a limited number of rentals available. Your guide will have the pack for you at the trailhead on the day of your trip.

Avalanche Gear Rental & Backpack includes top of the line equipment from Mammut, including:

  • Mammut Barryvox
  • Mammut Alugator Ride Shovel
  • Mammut Probe 280 Speed Lock
  • Mammut Nirvana Backpack

Your guide will bring your rental gear to the trailhead!