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Committed to Safe & Excellent rock experiences.

You've come to expect great experiences working with NASTC for years, and we're committed to impressing you with excellence in rock guiding and customer service. We're looking forward to building our relationship and climbing with you this summer!

Our guides go the extra mile.

You can expect to climb with some of your favorite AMGA trained NASTC guides and adding a few of our own talented guides as well. Our guides are known for sharing the skills they've developed through years of professional courses and countless days on rock. We pride ourselves in providing world-class educational and recreational experiences and we hire and train guides with that goal in mind.

New Offerings for our loyal Climbers

We're offering all of the programs you loved at NASTC with your favorite guides, but we're also offering more opportunities to climb! We've got new locations and we guide alpine climbing / mountaineering as well. See below for details!

More on Blackbird's acquisition of the NASTC Rock Climbing School & Rock Guide Service.

We're happy to answer any questions you might have about the acquisition of the NASTC Rock Climbing School, changed to staffing or climbing programs. Feel free to email us at info@blackbirdguides.com or call us at 530-414-7778.

Rock Climbing

Alpine Climbing / Mountaineering