Forbidden Peak Conditions, Weather Info & Webcams

Forbidden Peak and Boston Basin climbing conditions, weather, avalanche informaiton and webcams

Forbidden Peak Climbing Conditions

Forbidden Peak Weather Forecast

Forbidden Peak Weather Telemetry

Real-time weather data from remote weather stations at various places close to Forbidden Peak and the Mt Baker Ski Resort (on the Shuksan Arm).


Forbidden Peak Avalanche Conditions


Forbidden Peak Webcams

Forbidden Peak Air Quality

This link provides air quality information for Forbidden Peak Area

Permits Required to Climb and/or Ski Forbidden Peak

Permits are only required to climb or ski Forbidden Peak if you plan on spending the night in the North Cascades National Park.  If you plan to spend the night in the park, you will need a wilderness permit:

Roads to access Forbidden Peak:

Climb the North Cascades & Forbidden Peak with us!